Metal Delta KS Campaign Update #3: Just a few days left! August 29 2016, 2 Comments

Hi Everyone!

We have a few more days left on the kickstarter campaign! Please share this project with your friends and family so that we might get a few more backers before the campaign ends. =)

And now for some updates:

• Inventory Check

We went through our current inventory also started contacting suppliers for the electronics and other small items like pulleys and belts so that they can do their prep work and hit the ground running when we finally place those orders. Here are some pics:

V-SLot Open Beams!
V-SLot Open Beams!


High Res Motors and Regular Motors
High Res Motors and Regular Motors


Silicone Heaters with imbedded thermistors
Silicone Heaters with imbedded thermistors


A crate of 300mm Boro Glass!
A crate of 300mm Boro Glass!


• Stretch Goal

In brainstorming on a stretch goal, We wanted something that would really maximize the value of the printer without being too difficult to implement.. So here's what we decided:

If the current trend continues and we get funded at the $50K level, we will have enough margin to convert the LCD holder and controller mount from plastic to metal: This serves a dual purpose, it will allow mounting for the controller board (will fit RAMPS and MKS Base) and also will allow the screen to be mounted rigidly onto the frame. Here are some before and after pics:

Before: LCD Screen holder made of acrylic
Before: LCD Screen holder made of acrylic


After: Steel LCD mount + controller holder
After: Steel LCD mount + controller holder


After: Steel LCD mount + controller holder
After: Steel LCD mount + controller holder


• Overseas Sheet Metal Supplier

Lastly, We were in touch with the quality control company, for another 'dry run' sample of the sheet metal parts. They currently have 5 sets from the factory which will be set up for powder coating (they'll send us pictures once they're ready). When we get our hands on the 5, we will start making orders for the rest of the printers.

So that's it for this week! Please remind your friends and family to go check out our campaign and share!. Thanks again everyone and we're really excited to see these printers out there in the wild! :)